本站免费提供OpenAI API反向代理,无需API KEY即可使用(We offer a free OpenAI API proxy, which can be used without the need for an API KEY)




使用本站提供的API接口会自动带key请求,因此不需要自己的API Key也可以使用该接口。




Deactivated. To use the API, please refer to: https://www.chatgpt.org.uk/2023/08/githubone-api-openai.html

API Interface URL: https://api.gravityengine.cc

This interface employs the same request method as the official OpenAI API (https://api.openai.com). Notably, the API interface provided on this site automatically carries a key to request, negating the need for your own API Key for usage.

For an illustrative example of its usage:

Suppose you've configured your own ChatGPT-Next-Web instance in line with the guidelines from my previous article. Proceed by navigating to your project settings in Vercel and subsequently introduce a new environment variable, BASE_URL. The value to be entered should correspond to: https://api.gravityengine.cc or https://api2.gravityengine.cc. After successfully performing these steps, ensure to save the changes and remember to redeploy to enable the changes.

In case your current project is not ChatGPT-Next-Web, you can still leverage the provided API in a similar way.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous July 31, 2023 at 4:09 PM

    It needs an API key now?

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